Cambridge: 12 October: SPEAK NST member Mike (aka Fish) will be visiting on his way up to Norfolk, to meet up with anyone in the area who's interested in grassroots community activism and maybe starting a new Cambridge Speak group...
Norwich: 20 October: Norwich SPEAK group will be taking action in the town centre for Tax Justice! Mike will be cycling up to join in, and will also be visiting UEA on 17 October. [exact locations and times tbc]
Sheffield-to-Manchester, Sunday 11th November: Joe Thompson and others from Sheffield and Manchester will be cycling across the Peak District from Sheffield to Manchester to raise money for SPEAK! Contact the NST for more information. Sponsor them here: http://www.charitygiving.co.uk/sheffield-manchester
London: [exact date tbc]: During SPEAK week (5th-11th Nov), a merry band of adventurers will be holding a protest in London against plans to build an environmentally disastrous new airport on the Thames Estuary, then cycling down the Thames to the proposed site; a nature reserve in the North Kent marshes.
If you're around any of these places it'd be most awesome to have you involved! Please do get in touch: speak@speak.org.uk