Unfinished Business, SPEAK’s Campaign for Corporate Accountability
In the UK, companies are required to respect human rights and the environment. If they fall foul of the law there is a price to pay. But it’s not like this everywhere – multi-national companies are not always held accountable for serious abuses committed in poorer countries, with devastating results. From people that make our clothes, to women who burn their hands shelling cashew nuts, to communities living next to oil fields, we are intrinsically connected with these situations, and we can do something about it!
SPEAK, with the CORE Coalition, is calling for an independent UK Business, Environment and Human Rights Commission, which would provide access to justice for victims of corporate abuse
In the last year we have sent hundreds of Pray & Post Cards to two successive Justice Ministers, asked “Mr In-Vince-Cable” to defeat the monster of corporate abuse, and SPEAK Groups and Links have recorded several more MP3 messages.
Unfinished Business Petition is an audio petition with several hours of the public speaking out for justice and corporate accountability.
We want to record yet more hours in the final month before we hand the petition in at the Day of Action!
If you would like to order an Unfinished Business pack with petitions and prompt cards then email SPEAK with your name and address.