Tax dodging costs poor countries $160bn every year. That's more than one-and-a-half times the entire global aid budget.
SPEAKs latest Pray & Post Card highlights the injustices facing communities in poor countries such as Guatemala and Bolivia. As ordinary people struggle to meet their basic needs, some less scrupulous Multi-National Corporations avoid paying tax by finding inventive ways of making it appear that they've made little or no profit from their activities.
We're calling on George Osbourne to use his position within the G20 group of major economies to bring an end to tax secrecy and allow poorer countries to collect the tax due to them.
If you would like to be sent some Pray & Post Cards to use in your youth or student group, church or workplace then please email speak[at]speak.org.uk.
If you would like to send a letter to David Cameron and Nick Clegg online visit Christian Aid's website
Christian Aid has created in depth briefings and videos on tax secrecy to get you clued up and a blog to give you all the latest up to date information on the campaign.