We are passionate and fervent believers in the importance and the power of prayer and relying on God in all situations. Changing situations of injustice and seeing people come into a relationship with Jesus is dependent on God not us. Spending time in prayer reaffirms this. Prayer is vital and it means working with God as co-workers and friends.
John Wesley went as far as to say that ‘God does nothing but through prayer’. There are so many inspiring biographies which demonstrate how prayer can change the spiritual atmosphere as well as the social climate. Many people have prayed and seen God intervene in major world events as well as in the lives of individuals.
Examples of these can be find in the biographies of Rees Howell, Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu, Jackie Pullinger, who saw the lives of drug addicts changed in amazing ways in Hong Kong, William Wilberforce and the biography of Martin Luther King written by his wife Coretta. In many places around the world there have been changes in the reported crime rates and other social problems as a direct result of prayer. Global prayer can have a real impact on the global crime of injustice.
Writing at the end of the 19th Century Andrew Murray said, ‘God rules the world and his Church through the prayers of his people. That God should have made the extension of his Kingdom dependent on the faithfulness of his people is a mystery of great certainty’.
We need to pray like it all depends on God and live like it all depends on us (24-7).
Taken from SPEAK's Core Values booklet, which can be downloaded on the resources page.