We prayed for forgiveness as individuals and as a nation for our parts in causing conflicts, abusing the huge resources we have been given, and remembered the victims of war and poverty around the world. We finished the day in the Houses of Commons, with 60 of us meeting with at least 10 MPs, continuing to keep up the pressure on government support for the arms trade. It was the afternoon of a much anticipated statement in parliament on the situation in Libya, a country that with others in Middle East has been supplied with weapons by UK arms companies, with full support from the UK government. Arms sales have never been under so much scrutiny – lets make the most of the opportunity we have to meet with our MPs and ask them to end tax payers support for the arms trade.
- Have you heard from your MP since the Power, Politics and Pilgrimage day? Let the SPEAK campaigns team know how they responded, please email campaigns@speak.org.uk
- Please keep your reflections on Soundcheck coming to speak@speak.org.ukand share with others in the network what it has inspired you to do, through the SPEAK facebook page.
- If you need someone to give a talk (at an event or just in your group), give training, resources and input, and give you a helping hand and a few tips as you get started, Regional Support Workers are there for you. Just email rsw@speak.org.uk to book in some on-site training.