Cadbury's are engaging with our comments, and resopnding to our requests already. (See the original action here). Fairtrade Fortnight might be over, but that doesn't mean that we can't keep pushing for this redeeming of one of our favourite Easter-themed chocolates. SO, here are the next steps:
Write an email to the CEO of Cadburys UK / Kraft Foods UK, Maurizio Brusadelli - mbrusadelli@kraftfoods.com
Here's an example from Rob that you could just copy and paste (though don't forget to add your name at the end!) - or write one of your own!
Dear Maurizio,
I hope you are well?
I write to you as a keen enjoyer of chocolate and an enjoyer of the Crème Eggs which Cadburys / Kraft produce.
Recently there have been many comments posted on the Crème Egg Facebook page requesting a Fairtrade egg. For example:
“the other day, with great pleasure my fiancé and I tucked into the iconic Cadbury Creme Egg. They are yummy and I very much enjoy the taste.
Sadly the enJOYment was somewhat diminished by the fact that they are not made from Fair Trade chocolate.
…A product somewhat linked with Easter time, a time of celebrating new JOY each year and new life – things which could be brought to many more people if Cadburys would thoroughly make the change to Fair Trade.
I applaud the efforts that have been made thus far by Cadburys and hope that the Creme Egg, along with all other products will be added to the JOY bringing Fair Trade list of products very soon.”
This message was written on the 4th of March. Since then at least 91 comments have been left on the FB page in relation to a hope that Cadburys will continue to work hard to make more of its products, and most especially in this moment, the very popular Crème Egg Fair Trade.
170 people have either written directly or shown support by ‘liking’ the idea on the FB page.
I am one of those people.
If you were to read through some you would realise that there is a big hope and enthusiasm amongst a good number of people who don’t currently eat Cadburys Crème Eggs as they are not Fair Trade that they will be able to come so ASAP.
I hope that this information may shine as an encouragement to all at Cadburys who work towards appropriate working arrangements for the people who farm Cocoa and also provide the sugar for Cadburys products. But also as a loud expression of the hope that Cadburys may increase its efforts to move things forwards even further, adding more to the 45 million pounds which are to spent over the next 10 years.
Please could you also let me know of the timetable there is in place for moving more of Cadburys chocolate range to the Fair Trade logo.
I look forwards to hearing from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Rob's also prepared a prayer to help us lift this issue up to God!
Jesus you give JOY,
Would you move to expand the JOY about
Everyone who works to produce the Cocoa and sugar
which go into the Cadburys Crème Egg.
And then in creating the necessary actions
from Cadburys and Kraft people
that their dealings with all in Ghana, India
and other lands involved
will be JOY giving
as JOY is expressed this Easter.
That in 12 months time as we roll the egg stone away again,
We will eat Fair Trade Crème Eggs JOYfully
and join in JOYFUL celebrations internationally.
Jesus, your Kingdom come.