SPEAK groups exist to encourage each other in our Christian faith and spur each other on to greater levels of activism. They also aim to be an expression of Christian community in the campaign scene and seek to share their faith in God. Some SPEAK groups exist as part of Christian Unions or churches, and some exist independently. SPEAK groups are flexible according to what people feel is appropriate in their particular locality. Some are more focused on prayer; others are more focused on campaigning. Some meet once a week, others once a month. All are committed to the core values. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
Find out where your nearest group is and how to get involved:
Either check out these facebook pages/websites:
Lancaster SPEAK facebook group
Manchester SPEAK facebook group
Nottingham SPEAK facebook group
Sheffield University SPEAK facebook page
Sheffield City SPEAK facebook group
There are lots of groups which do not have an online presence...
...Or scroll over the UK map! If there isn't a group near you and you'd like to start a new group, please contact us at speak@speak.org.uk