November says several things to me; SPEAK Week, Thanksgiving and long, dark, cosy evenings in, amongst others. So when the Prayer Team were thinking up Novembery ways we like to pray, we focussed around these ideas and came up with:
SPEAK Week! - With SPEAK's key fundraising week coming up fast, this is a great time of year to really seek out God's heart and allow God to inspire us and our local SPEAK communities with ideas for why and how to do some fun fundraising to get behind SPEAK's valuable work. It costs hardly anything to run an effective campaign to make a change that will help thousands of people break the cycle of poverty - but not nothing! So let's get praying for the best ways we can put some more money behind the SPEAK mouth so we can shout louder for justice.
Thanksgiving - I'm not American (though i have connections!) but the basic idea of getting together with friends and family to feast together in a thankful atmosphere is a brilliantly universal one. This month, why not hold your own Thanksgiving meal (or just a Thanksgiving Special SPEAK meeting!) where you conciously give time to counting your blessings and giving thanks to God? The prayer diary below has a suggestion for a really fun way for a bunch of people to give God thanks!
And those long, cosy evenings? They give you the perfect space for some quiet, personal reflection time. This month we're challenging you and ourselves to spend sometime reading through the news, wherever you get it from, speaking with God about it as you read, and perhaps making some prayer art as a response. The other challenge this month is to pray the Lord's prayer - slowly, spending as much time on each phrase as it needs and letting it guide and shape your personal prayers.
Remember to download the calendar below: Happy November prayer adventuring :)